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French musician A. Frisho, living in London, invented a similar tool called them Basshorn, and the English master G - Astor he carried it out of the metal.

Since then usual material for басгорна became red or yellow copper, it is rarely applied tree (with brass inlay). Басгорн Фришо-Astor, known in Europe under the name of English Basshorn (Englisches Bas-shorn), had, as already mentioned.

Initially, two of them (cis and fis) used valves, later a number of valves increased to four (add dis and To). The volume of басгорна: C-g normal operation of the instrument In (in the military music used in E and in FF.

Despite significant shortcomings - heavier sound and bad intonationю- he stayed in the military orchestras of up to approximately 1830-ies.

This tool in 1806 has received the name «bass horn» (Basse-cor). However, the Commission of the professors of the Paris Conservatoryи  with himм specified the name by specifying in the patent in 1810 - bass tube аBass-trompetete and it was fixed in the future. Bass tube Фришо acquired a certain extentи it has been used in concert practice кin Dn the Church оin CisCi in the military оin Cn.



Категория: История | Добавил: Профессионал (25.04.2013)
Просмотров: 919 | Теги: ENG, секс | Рейтинг: 5.0/1

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